Jakarta, Indonesia – MAN 4 Jakarta students marked a success in achieving 18 medals at the Jakarta Madrasah Competition (JMC) which was organized by the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, DKI Jakarta Province. Two of the awardees are Adzkia Fathiyya Mumtaz and Raihana Shafira Ardhyanto, students from Cambridge programme of MAN 4 Jakarta.
Adzkia and Raihana competed in the Religious Knowledge field in the research competition. The duo secured 1st place as the winning team with their title “Efektivitas Pendidikan Seksualitas Berbasis Islam Melalui Media Sosial @taulebih.id Terhadap Pemahaman Siswa/I MAN 4 Jakarta” (The Effectiveness of Islamic-Based Sexuality Education Through the Social Media @taulebih.id on MAN 4 Jakarta Students’ Understanding).
This prestigious competition was participated by students from various levels of madrasah, including MI, MTs, and MA; from both public and private madrasahs across different areas of Jakarta. They attended the awarding ceremony at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) on Friday, November 1, 2024, and succeeded in bringing home their achievement along with a prize of 1,000,000 rupiah.
Their research managed to address the importance of sexuality education, especially for high school students. They invited all students of MAN 4 Jakarta to volunteer as their research sample by being the respondent of their questionnaire. Then, in order to dive deeper into the problem, they conducted online interviews with a selected group of respondents. After analysing the questionnaire results, they found out that the understanding regarding sexuality amongst MAN 4 Jakarta students was still lacking.
Their hypothesis then was proven; the education provided through the social media account was effective in overcoming the issue, improving the students’ understanding by an average of 25%. These two young girls’ research successfully made a breakthrough in the realm of sexuality education— a bold topic to choose, considering its status as a taboo subject in Indonesia.
By: Adzkia & Raihana (CC)